Tuesday, July 1, 2008

I have a river view!

Normally I can see a tiny sliver of the Mississippi River around ConAgra from our loft, but now I can see a whole mess of it!

This was our view Saturday night. Cones had to be laid out to deter any block partiers from taking a dip or wandering into the floodwaters.

Our neighbors, The Big Muddy Pub, have been pumping water out of their basement for weeks. Our landlord just started last week. Before we left on our vacation, he told us he couldn't start pumping until it reached 2-3 feet, so we knew the pump being out meant business.

This was the view on Sunday morning. The water had crept above a temporary road built up on Broadway to let trucks through.

The actual Big Muddy, referring to the river, supposedly crested Sunday night and is going down (cross your fingers) barring any heavy rains.

Seeing as though we live on the second floor of our loft, it would take a flood of drastic proportions to reach us, but still -- those pumps running every night is becoming a pain in my butt!

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