Friday, October 17, 2008

My 2008 Issues Scorecard 2

Part two of this wonderful commentary by me.
If you don't like it, don't read it. It's that simple.


To improve the American economy, there needs to be some tax penalities on corporations that ship their jobs overseas and for those who outsource jobs. Let's stimulate the American workforce, eh? And on the company bankruptcy note? I say those CEOs that leave these companies that are going banrupt, and taking with them millions upon millions of dollars, need to be thrown in jail and that money needs to go toward whatever that corporation owes. After all, whose fault is it that the company failed? The big important guys, making all the wrong decisions.

Crime and Punishment

I'm not sure what I think about the death penalty. Obama thinks that it is necessary in some "heinous" crimes, which I kind of agree with. On the one hand though, it seems like the Justice System can't be right 100 percent of the time and there's no fail safe way to not condemn innocent people to death. On the other hand, it is extremely costly for the feds and the state to keep these people locked up, and the world might be better off. I don't know.

Drug Policy

Obama apparently has admitted to using marijuana and sees the draw they have on young people. I think that's commendable, although young people who are drawn to hardcore drugs, in my opinion, are just uneducated. McCain says he would never want to legalize marijuana because it is a gateway drug. Marijuana is a gateway drug because people on the streets lace it with other drugs that are highly addictive and dangerous. If it were legal, I think there would be far fewer people getting hooked on drugs they didn't even mean to take in the first place. And there would be fewer deaths. I admit, to some people, marijuana is addictive. But it's not addictive like cigarettes, when users' bodies feel the craving. Marijuana's addiction is one of the mind. It would probably be a lot like alcohol, which also is addictive to some people and not others (you can't stop anything 100 percent). Anyway, I think it would be farr less harmful if legal.

Stay tuned for more before Election 08.
Leave me a mean comment, go ahead, you know you want to.

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