Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Took my test at the doctor's today

I have never been admitted to or had to do anything inside of a hospital other than visit my parents or spend some time in the emergency room, so it goes without saying that I got lost inside Alton Memorial this morning. It wouldn't have been so bad but all the rerouting from the construction in the front can really confuse a person. 

On top of that, the pulmonary function tests are taken inside a unit for "wound care," which was a little alarming. I was almost afraid I'd see something gross - kind of like when I was at Walgreen's last night and saw a little girl carrying a plastic bag of puke around with her - but I digress...

They had me sit in this plastic chamber and breathe into a tube. Normal breaths, deep breaths, panting breaths... oh, and my favorite *sense the sarcasm* - they had me hyperventilate on purpose. I could have passed out, but other than that the test was mostly harmless. 

Then they made me breathe in all this medicine - the same stuff in the Proventil inhaler Dr. Ricci prescribed - and had me take the tests again to find any difference. The tests inside the chamber were supposed to simulate breathing during and after exercise.

I have to wait for the doctor's official results but the lady that performed the tests said there was a 35 and 55% difference in my lungs after the medicine. So the good news is, it's manageable :) Yay.


Erin M. Miller said...

This is very interesting as I have dealt with asthma for quite some time, and they have never offered to do any of those tests on me. I guess my doctor doesn't like me......haha Miss you! Feel better!

Unknown said...

You know, it probably wasn't necessary. He already told me it was asthma and gave me Singulair and Proventil like two weeks ago. Hospitals trying to make money I guess. Anyway, I'd rather know than not I suppose.