Wednesday, January 9, 2008

2008 so far

Recently, I read a blog written by a friend. An angry friend apparently.... or maybe the blog was just angry. 

Anyway, he wrote that resolutions are stupid because no one ever keeps them. I agree that most of the time, this is true, as far as no one keeping them. However, he described making resolutions as lying to one's self, which I don't agree with at all. 

I believe that resolutions are healthy, because they are almost always made with good intentions (and I don't think good intentions can be negative). I believe that people WANT to do what they day they're going to try and do. I do. That's why my resolutions are goals that I want to TRY. I never say they're definitely going to work out. 

Here are my resolutions this year and how I've been doing on them:

10. Make time to read a lot of good books this year.
It's only Jan. 9 and I've finished one good book and started on another. I also have several books in waiting that I bought from Barnes and Noble and several I picked up from the library. 

9. Blog every day. Something, anything, just blog.
This one, obviously, has not gone as well, but I have written in my offline journal a bit. 

8. Get more violin practice in each week.
Now that I'm starting to learn how to play "Ants Marching" by the Dave Matthews Band, the interest is definitely there and practice has picked up a little, but it's going to take more than a little to get it down. 

7. Move out of my parents' house.
My parents are finally not being wierd about me wanting to move out! With David, no less! They have even helped look and make calls on apartments and houses, and have even tried to encourage me to BUY a house (I told you they want to keep me around).

6. Volunteer more.
That opportunity hasn't come about yet. I did recieve an e-mail about Relay for Life Jersey County though...

5. Get along with parents/brother more often.
James is still a grouch, and I have been recently with no sleep, but this is otherwise going quite well. 

4. Eat better, excercise regularly -- come up with a plan and stick to it!
I went to Nautilus for like 30 minutes last night. I was REALLY worn out. I want to belong to an exercise establishment but I think I might have to wait to see whether I'll be able to afford it when living on my own. As for eating better, I have not been doing that badly. 

3. Get better at drawing/sketching and photography.
I got the camera, but haven't done anything regarding this resolution. 

2. Keep in regular contact with old friends via phone, e-mail, text, snail mail, whatever.
Still need to do it. 

1. Get my clips organized. Figure out how to be happy professionally and start doing it. (Or at least actively working toward it.) 
Haven't touched it yet. 

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