Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Here and There is undergoing some changes

Some of you who read this blog also read my work blog, Here and There . Those of you that don't should still read this update:

Hello there, readers!

Soon, the Here and There blog will have a new name and a new logo, but I'm here to tell you not to worry, and assure you that the change is good. 

Here and There was first conceived with the ideas of travel and entertainment in mind, but with the economy not doing so great and my posts ever digressing from the original idea, the new blog name and logo will be much better suited to its content. (And you will still have access to all my old posts on the new blog.)

 "Quarterlife Crisis," as the new blog will be called, will cover life issues and topics of interest for young adults in their 20s. I should know, because I am one of those people. 

Life in one's twenties can be very similar to life in one's teens, or it can jump ahead into adulthood with the start of a blossoming career, the purchase of a new home or the building of a family. 

My goal is to make my posts more informative for readers by incorporating current events and advice as it pertains to young adults. I'll also be covering topics of interest ranging from local entertainment to lifestyle choices like vegetarianism or an interest in practicing yoga, and some of the same topics I've already chosen to write about here.

Please do lookout for the change, and I hope you'll stay with me.


I'll add the new address once "Quarterlife Crisis" goes live, which could be tomorrow or it could take a week or so, depending on how busy corporate and our IT guys are currently.

Once the change is made, most of my posts at "One Too Many blogs" will remain similar to a personal journal, and less personal topics will be covered over there. Stay tuned!

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