Monday, April 28, 2008

Updates 4/28/08

Some random updates because it's been awhile:

*Sadie has gotten all her shots and has been spayed and declawed. That was almost two weeks ago, and now she looks to be completely healed and is doing well. Yay kitty!

*We have added two betta fish to our family. Formally named Dave Coulier and John Stamos, their nicknames are Daego and Mustache, in memory of my betta from Cougar Village, Sean Connery. May he rest in peace.

*David and I bought a new TV so now our television viewing experience has been upgraded quite a bit. And we thought we was poor.

*Justin, Ben, Jacob, David and I participated in a trivia night on Saturday. At the beginning of the night, we were asked to guess how many we would get right and we said 82. It turned out, we tied for first place with another team with 77 questions right!! However, we lost the grand prize because we were five off and the other team was only one off. Oh well, better luck next time.

*I need a vacation, so I think we are going to Chicago and Cincinatti in June to visit over the time we would have been at Bonnaroo.

That is all for now...

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