Monday, June 29, 2009

Off to a good, and bad, start

Three pounds. Not bad for the first week back.

I didn't work out Friday, but after a week of working out after work, I did clean the heck out of the house. I ate decently healthy and mostly small meals most of the weekend, minus some Domino's Pizza on Sunday, which was, I might add, a veggie and I only had two small pieces (and then I ate the other two this morning).

I didn't work out today. I was in a sort of depressed state and wanted to lay in bed. I didn't go to the gym all weekend but hula hooped, step classed and rhythym boxed on the Wii on Saturday, which worked up a sweat. We walked yesterday, but it was to One Stop, and what began as a trip for healthy beverages (water, diet soda to quench my soda craving) ended with the purchase of a Snicker's Ice Cream bar, containing 300 calories. Luckily, I hadn't eaten much else that day.

Still working on all that.

This is the week of wierd schedules so I won't be hitting any classes at Metro except maybe yoga on Wednesday, so I have to find another way to get fit for an hour and I have to find the motivation to do it in the morning. I'm so not a morning person.

Everything will be OK as long as I don't overdo the eating this week and throw myself off track. It is a holiday week, which is not the best of signs... I'm not losing hope though.

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