Monday, June 8, 2009

Supply shopping for Roo '09

I know I have a blog strictly dedicated to 'Roo, but for the next week, they're all going to be the same. That's right. I'm duplicate posting everywhere.

David and I bought most of our supplies tonight at Wal-Mart and piled them in the guest bedroom. I wanted to have all this done before the weekend was over, but I guess we've still got two days to make sure everything's in order before we actually have to take off.

Anyway, we netted a 12 x 10 Coleman tent for close to $80 at Wal-Mart. It's made for 5 people so it'll be nice and spacious. We hope to get a lot of use out of it in the future. Additionally, we got a lot of hygiene supplies and food that won't go bad in the Tennessee heat.

One change in the plans - Justin will not be coming with us. I knew this days ago but haven't updated as I should have. It's a money thing, but he'll be with us in spirit.

As I mentioned a number of times before, I'll be Twittering the whole thing. My new cell phone (which can hold 6,000+ photos) will be on hand at all times and ready to post whenever via picture messaging. David will be sending photo updates as well. Battery power won't be an issue - I got a car charger that fits both of our phones.

You can follow my Twitter page (@lauranette) to get all the updates, or report here, where a Twitter widget will be displaying the feed - another example of all the ways Twitter can be a pretty impressive tool for us journalists.

David is in the office listening to Animal Collective (which we will see on Friday), while I have Dave Matthews streaming via my blog, which reminds me - I really need to update that playlist...

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