Thursday, July 16, 2009

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

3.5 out of 5 stars

Don't look at this as a movie review, rather than my own personal reaction to HP 6. I really liked the movie, and since I hardly remember what was in the book when I read it, I didn't notice discrepancies that other people did between the two versions. 

What I liked was the humor, and the fact that the movie was incredibly visually appealing. (Those main characters sure are growing into their own aren't they? It's fun comparing them now with their tiny baby selves in the first movie...) 

What I didn't like was the lack of a fight scene inside Hogwarts that took place in the book between the Death Eaters and the Order of the Phoenix (-1 star), and the fact that Remus Lupin was in the movie for about 8 seconds (-0.5 stars). Lupin is only my favorite HP character, followed by Ron, then Harry. 

Now I'm back to reading the sixth in the Harry Potter series, and then I'll be back to talk more about the differences between the two. (And then onto 7 and then inevitably back to that dreaded fan fiction.) Until then, I'll leave you with this. 

"Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince" was as chilling as I hoped/thought it would be, and somehow at the same time, managed to be the most fun and funny of all the previous movies in the franchise. It was a good time, and it will be had again. By me. When I buy the movie set. (David already has the book set.)

I disagree that the story was not well told, though I will agree the book told it better. Despite the fact that much of the material had to be left out to fit into a comfortable time frame for a movie, I think it would have been fairly easy to follow if I hadn't known the story beforehand. As easy as the sixth part of a franchise can be for someone getting into it late, anyway. 

Alright then, I'm off. 

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