Alright, so my Rick Ankiel birthday (24) was a blast. Or a bang, if we're speaking literally -- a bang that landed me, during my first real hours of being 24, in Alton Memorial Hospital awaiting stiches.
Despite the events that occurred near the end of my birthday weekend, turning 24 was much better than turning 23.
Brian came into town via Amtrak to spend it with me, David asked off on Saturday, and we had a gay ole' time.
Thursday was the beginning of my weekend, because we get a personal day at work on our birthdays -- and since mine landed on a day I already had off, Saturday, I took Thursday as my birthday.
David and I woke up Thursday and played the Sims, a new addicition of mine and my favorite birthday present this year (unless you count Guitar Hero, which I bought myself and was reimbursed for by my dad). We spent the rest of the day in St. Louis -- shopping at West County Mall, where I bought two new sweaters and two new pairs of fun gloves; eating cheesecake at the Cheesecake Factory in the Galleria and then getting my hair cut in Grafton on the way home. (It's short, by the way... photos to be available once I get ahold of my charging digital camera that needs replaced).
Friday I woke up and picked Brian up from the train station. We played Guitar Hero III for the rest of the day while we waited for David to get off work, then we took my dad out to the Regal Beagle for dinner. It was a good time; I had been craving the stuff for weeks. After dinner, we went back to Guitar Hero III. David called his younger brothers Dan and Brian to kick our asses at the game via its online option on the Wii. Dan played the Dragonforce song, the hardest song on the game, on expert and got a 70-something percent. Then, Brian beat everyone at medium, so we lost a whole lot.
Saturday, my violin lesson was canceled. Brian, my parents, David, Justin and Ben went to St. Louis Buffet Bar and Grill in Wood River for lunch -- which I thought would make everyone happy. We ate WAY too much, and then hung out at Davids until the evening. While awaiting eveyone's arrival at my house, we ate my green confetti cake with orange and black icing and played with the Titty Ball I bought from the Asian Lady in Cincinapolis. Then Cory, Clancy, Sarah, David, Brian and I headed to City Museum in St. Louis.
They had opened up a new cave area, which was really neat, and we had a ton of fun -- half of us having never been there before (David, Clancy, Brian). Then, we decided to jump in the ball pit. The ball pit sucks.
The balls are way too bouncy and there is no padding underneath, so when the lady told me to jump in, and I did, the balls parted like the red sea and my knee -- after squarely hitting the concrete below -- began gushing something that looked like the red sea. The lady at the first aid station squirted water on it and sent me on my way -- with a free pass to come back, plus three guests (which was funny, since I had five with me at the time).
After waking my dad up and asking for advice, he, Brian, David and I headed for Alton Memorial. After waiting for hours, the nurse x-rayed the knee (no broken bones) and then SCRUBBED out the wound, which hurt like a mutha. They had determined that there would be no need for stitches -- that is, until they washed away all the clotting blood. Then, they promptly changed their mind. So that I wouldn't have a skin flap hanging off my knee for the rest of forever, Dr. Emergency Room Guy sewed my skin flap up good with four blue stitches, to be removed by Dr. Ricci (my general physician) on Friday morning.
By the time we left, around 4 a.m., everyone was starving. Because we ate so much at the buffet we had skipped dinner, and we were feeling the effects. So we picked up my antibiotics and Vicoden from Walgreens, and headed to Steak n' Shake. Then, we went to my house and put in A Clockwork Orange for something to do until Brian's train came. It would be less than two hours of sleep -- so anyone that knows Brian will know why we didn't risk going to bed.
I went to work, but left early when my pages were finished, because I was BEAT. I feel sick tonight and my knee is still mighty sore. I figure I need MORE sleep and less ulcer-agitating pain medication.
Anyway, that's my long birthday story. Like my broken thumb graduation night, it'll be one for the books.