Monday, November 19, 2007

I gave in to football

There's no use fighting it anymore. 

Since I got off early yesterday I went to David's, where my wonderful boyfriend was watching football. I cringed. Did I really have to watch this crap?? But I watched instead of complaining, because who am I to take something he likes away from him after he has been so sweet to me? Especially this weekend.

I've watched football before.
I didn't like it. It was cool when the Rams won the Superbowl, but that was then, and this -- HA HA (joke) -- is now. 

I still don't love it, but I could learn to like it because something was different this time. The team I was watching was pummeling the crap out of the other team, and doing so with a certain flaire that appealed to me. If you watch football, you won't be surprised at what team I was watching.


So now, I suppose, I am a Patriots fan. 

Go on, pummel me with bandwagon comments, blah.. blah.. blah..  I don't care what you have to say. What I care about is this -- if I am going to watch a sport I don't enjoy on it's own, I want to watch players who are freakishly good and who are breaking records as we speak. Blame David if you must, he doesn't care.

I'm sorry, Rams, Bears... you have nothing for me.

Speaking of football though -- I am on a mission. A mission to find a Tony Romo Eastern jersey. I'll make one if I have to:

I like quarterbacks. 

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