Sunday, November 25, 2007

Erin Miller's Norb's debut

So, Erin Miller was in town this weekend for a wedding. By in town, I really mean Collinsville -- but she and her friend Ryan were nice enough to drive into Alton to see me. I hear the dry wedding was not so much fun...

I was hanging out with David, Justin, Ben, Thomas and John at the Beagle, watching Mizzou (4) defeat the No. 2 ranked (well, not anymore) Kansas, when she showed up. 

We had a few beers there and spent the rest of the night (till just before 1 or so) hanging out at Norb's, playing Gotcha! and shuffleboard and enjoying dollar Keystone night.

It was a little extra skanky at Norb's last night, so I really hope she doesn't get the wrong idea about me and my hometown. 

Because of recent, crappy events -- we were not able to see each other for my birthday so it was a nice surprise. 

Thanks, Erin Miller. 

P.S. If any of you are ever in town and you don't call me I'm fittna be mad at you!!

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