Wednesday, December 26, 2007

2008 Resolutions

It's almost 2008.
That means, I have to get started on my list of resolutions.

I say LIST of resolutions, because if I make one I never follow through; if I make ten, I might stick with one. Who knows? I guess it's worth a try. (They are in no particular order, I just thought a countdown would fit nicely here.

Ten resolutions for 2008

10. Make time to read a lot of good books this year.
9. Blog every day. Something, anything, just blog.
8. Get more violin practice in each week.
7. Move out of my parents' house.
6. Volunteer more.
5. Get along with parents/brother more often.
4. Eat better, excercise regularly -- come up with a plan and stick to it!
3. Get better at drawing/sketching and photography.
2. Keep in regular contact with old friends via phone, e-mail, text, snail mail, whatever.
1. Get my clips organized. Figure out how to be happy professionally and start doing it. (Or at least actively working toward it.)

If I can do a couple of those, even one of those, I will have made myself a better person in 2008, I figure.

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