Thursday, September 27, 2007

Cholestorol Check

I have to work a late shift tonight because Missy is on vacation. I guess that works out, except the only way I can make it to volleyball is by skipping dinner and going on my break. Even then, I'll be cutting it close. 

One good thing tho-- without volleyball, I won't be going out like I do every Thursday. Why is that a good thing?

I'm not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight tonight. 

I recently had to switch doctors because mine hit the road recently. It's OK really, because he was kind of a douche and it turns out my new doctor actually knows what he is doing. And he's really nice. But this fasting thing is the negative that comes with the switch. He wants to check me for everything, and with my dad's heart problems, he wants to check my cholesterol levels. 

That means they're going to take my blood. Only a vile of it, but that doesn't take away from the fact that I have grown accustomed to nausea and feeling faint when they do it. I'm scared. 

I never would have developed that fear had I not tried so desperately to give blood four times, only once successfully, over the years. Dealing with all those newbies poking my veins and missing more than they actually hit them has created a fear I just can't seem to get over. 

I guess getting blood taken will be small pudding compared to what it will be like if I have a cholesterol problem. ON the bright side, I'm young and not very unhealthy, so it probably won't be much of a problem, but if it is, I should be able to control the problem with diet. 

Wish me luck.

1 comment:

Stephen said...

I freaked out the first time I had blood drawn last year... now, like 13 times later, it's not so bad.

If you can eat Lincoln Garden with a broken thumb you can go to the doctor for a blood test.