Sunday, September 30, 2007

Do You Realize

what a damn fool you are that you missed The Flaming Lips show Friday night at the Pageant? Well, maybe this will give you some sort of idea. 

OK so that wasn't the show we were at, but it looks similar. You get the point.

I went with David and Justin, and it was tons of fun. Unfortunately, we had a wasted ticket no one wanted to buy, so everyone else missed out. 

When I was listening to "Do You Realize" and confetti filled the air and the lights were flashing, everyone's hands in the air, I looked up and felt a rush of exhileration I have rarely felt before. That moment was one of the happiest of my life for some reason. It made me think of how lucky I am to be so happy in the relationship I am in, and it was compounded by the fact that he was standing right behind me with his hands on my waist and the fact that the song makes me melt. 

Just thought I'd share with you one of the happiest moments of my life in recent past. 

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