Monday, September 17, 2007

My Journey into Dorkyland

Hey everyone! I read FAN FICTION now!
Laugh all you want. 

It's a serious affliction I contracted from Brian O'Malley's most recent visit. 
And the fact that I can't get enough Harry Potter. 

Here are the sites I have checked out: - a Ron and Hermione site
(Those two speak for themselves I think.)

Anyway, I have a thing for Remus Lupin. I don't know why, but it might have to do with the fact that he is a werewolf, but a good guy, which I find interesting. 

The first fan fiction story I read was one that filled in the gap where Tonks and Lupin died, since it happened away from Harry and the "Deathly Hallows" just glances over it. It was told from Tonks' P.o.V. 

The only problem I have so far with fan fiction is that I'll have certain ideas about the way that these "hidden" scenes must have played out and they don't always hit the mark like J.K.R.'s writing usually does. Can't wait for that encyclopedia!

(There will be more as I read on...)

P.S. Wouldn't it be sweet to dress up like Tonks for Halloween?? I am such a nerd.

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