Wednesday, September 17, 2008

I have WAY too many blogs

I have recently been trying to think about consolidation.

It is way too much of a pain in the @$$ to update all these blogs on a constant basis. I have already privated several of them until I can figure out what to do with them. HELP!

What do I mean by way too many blogs?


Here and There - Here and There is a travel/what to do in your own backyard blog that also serves as my official Telegraph work blog. I don't see getting rid of this unless I end up not working here. Gotta set an example for the others, you know. The issue here is that - because I'm poor and because I have much more going on in my mind - this blog sometimes plays host to some of my stupid thoughts instead of just things to do. Problem is, I usually end up posting the same thing in this blog only less tame.

Insider's Look - This is not so much a blog as it is a running list of the efforts that we're taking here at The Telegraph to make the transition from print to the Web. Its purpose at is to introduce readers to new features on the site and teach them how to use them.

Online is the new black - I took it upon myself to chronicle my work here at The Telegraph as Web news editor. I use it as a more professional blog, which I can link other journalism professionals to, like at Some of them read the posts and give me ideas, which I appreciate. That's what that's for I guess. To share advice, get advice, whatever pertaining to my new line of work.


I'm a Bonnaroo Virgin - I started this blog last year because I was listening to a bunch of new music and preparing for this big music festival and then.... I didn't go. Devastating. I haven't posted on it much lately but since I've made Bonnaroo an absolute priority in 2009, I'll start it back up when new festival news comes about.

I love STL- I initially started this blog to comment on St. Louis news and to write about stuff I went to do in St. Louis. The truth is, I don't go into the city as much as I used to, so I think this is one that I've privated and marked for possible termination.

That's a winner - This was my personal blog on Xanga until I decided to switch over to blogger permanently. Yet I kept it around and used it to blog about baseball. That didn't last very long. I think it warrants possible termination. However, I've got some archived items on there I wouldn't mind copying over onto Word first.


What the fu?!!?! - I've had this blog around the longest and I've always hesitated to take it down because of all the memories. That and because it gets ressurrected by one or two of us once every couple of years before it fades out again, most recently by Emily. You see, this blog was useful for keeping up with friends who had moved out of the area since we had such a big group in high school. It also got us into some trouble around the Bush/Kerry election because some of us are hardcore Dems and others hardcore GOP. Regardless, it worked for awhile. Some of us have outgrown it. You know I always love a blog though, so I think I'll keep it.

We used to be newsies - This was originally meant to do for the DEN crew what Whatthefu did to my group of high school friends. The real difference is - no one ever got into posting except me and Stephen. I'm going to send out messages to people and then this one is getting the ax if something doesn't happen.


Laura M. Griffith blog - This is a blogger blog I reserved to use as a personal or professional blog one day when I was bored. Never turned into anything, but I'm undecided because someone else might take my address if I delete it.

Here is my mind- I've never posted on Here is My Mind, but I want to. One day. Here is My Mind is likely the future replacement of One Too Many Blogs. Once I know more about XHTML and can make it my own more easily, I may migrate to WordPress. I don't know though. Mostly I think Blogger is better, because it's more user friendly if nothing else. Keeper?


Thought o' the Day, a MySpace blog
- Go to my MySpace page and check this bit of nothingness out. I started posting random thoughts and announcments sometimes just so there wouldn't be so much blank space up there. This really isn't an issue.

Finally, we have this one:
One too many blogs.

Name makes sense now doesn't it? Only, I'm not sure I like the address anymore...
I wish I had a single hobby or one idea for a blog instead of 8 bajillion.

Any advice?
When it all comes down to it, I just don't have anything important enough to fill this many blogs that no one reads.

Stay tuned to find out what I do about this issue.

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