Monday, September 15, 2008

Jealousy and the Mississippi Landing Lofts

So, I just went into the Mississippi Landing lofts for the first time and WOW.

My building is nice, but take my unit times about 5 and then you have the one I visited today. The loft space is the home of "God's Portion" author Judy Hoffman, resident expert on Benjamin Godfrey, after whom the town where I was born was named.

I wasn't there to look at the loft, I was there to learn about Godfrey, which I did. But you can't help but notice something as breathtaking as this place. Every room was open, the ceilings were high and there were windows EVERYWHERE. I'll bet the fireworks, had they had any this year in Alton, would have been amazing from that view.

The big difference between these lofts and our building is that the people living there have purchased the spaces, whereas we rent them. Oh, how I wish we could afford to buy a place ;)

At this point in my life, I love the loft we live in, and I love all the furnishings we put together from what we already had and what friends and family could supply us with. But oh, what I would do with an unlimited budget and that much space...

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