Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes, We Did

I went out for a drink last night with some of my co-workers after a llooooonnggg election shift (I got off around midnight, which I understand is actually early for election night), and thank God I wasn't seeking a place to drown my sorrows.

It was indeed, a celebratory Bud Light, for America (or at least more than half of it) has given up its racist ideals in favor of a promising, strapping young candidate with much potential that promises the change we need. (And I think he can deliver it.)

Long gone are the days of depression that followed the 2004 Election, and America has finally restored the hope in me that was all but completely killed off during the Bush administration's terrifying reign.

Yes, We Can, and Yes, We Did.
(Did I mention we're 'bout to have a hot president? Well, we are. Get used to it ;))

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