Thursday, October 11, 2007

Could I BE any more bored?

I'm hoping by writing this blog about being bored that the gods will realize that I need something to do and decide to give it to me. I have three pages to design, nothing to put on them. 

I hate that I don't have anything to do right now, because in about an hour I will be heading to a long lunch in order to play volleyball, and when I get back I'll be busy as hell. I hate working late on Thursdays. But then again, I hate working early any day. Then again, I really dislike working altogether. Yet I hate idle time. 

Go fig. 

So, I've come to a conclusion over the past few days, and I don't know how it came about but what I DO know is this: One of these days I am going to possibly have to live in Chicago (yes, I said it) in order to expand my job horizons. I don't know what I want to do, but I know I'm not meant to write government stories and crime news for the rest of my life. I just can't, and I won't.

While I love St. Louis, it's just not here for me right now. Maybe it's in Chicago, maybe it's not. All I know is I've expanded my job search horizons a lot. Don't worry St. Louis-- if I leave, I'll definitely be back. And sooner rather than later. 

Anybody got any ideas?

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