Monday, October 15, 2007

Welcome, Brianne

So, it turns out Kevin was not only the first to marry, but also the first to have a baby.

He and his lovely wife Abby welcomed their first child on Oct. 13, 2007, which is cool because one day her birthday will end up on a Friday the 13th in October. 

Her name is Brianne Bagwill, and, as you can tell by the pictures, she is a very pretty baby. (You did well guys...)

Daddy Kevin with baby Brianne

Brianne, 2 days old, at Alton Memorial Hospital on Oct. 15

It's the cutest thing -- she has lots of black hair in the back, but none in the front (just like her daddy, Kevin joked).

I went to see her during my lunch break today. 

I held her for a minute, but she wasn't the happiest about it. Kevin says she was hungry... but I know better. Kidding. I'm not worried -- they really start liking me when they're old enough to follow me around and make me play with them. I'm a sucker for playtime.

Alright, back to work.

(Sorry the pics are a little blurry guys, I didn't want to use the flash. You can see one other pic--I didn't take all that many-- at My Photobucket)

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