Saturday, October 13, 2007

I miss...

...driving around with a liter of Mountain Dew and a stick of raw sugar cookie dough while stealing golf flags.

...watching midnight lova and obsessing over the Tatler.

...attending any and every Alton High home hockey game.

...seances in Emily's old room. 


...Spongebob Squarecar the Nova. 

...getting excited over someone wearing a yellow shirt. 

...writing notes in class.

...the Urban Sombrero.

...stalking favorite math teachers. 

...sand volleyball at Cougar Village.

...shaving cream fights in Woodland.

...Spades with Thomas/Beth and usually Cory. 


..."Dancing in the Moonlight," in 520-1A pong/bowling at SIUE's U.C.

...hanging at the mall (taking it waaay back).

...Emily's New Year's Theme Parties.

...fighting Megan's treadmill, and the treadmill winning.

...Hit n' Run and Captain Morgan.

...Find your way to the nipple boob mazes. 

...the porn store. 

..."I'm not a virgin in my butt."


...Late nights in the DEN.



..."What? You gonna EAT IT?"

..."as you're going through there."

...drunk dancing at the PP.

...late night trips to Wal-Mart and the claw machine (still got my L & B).

...champagne nights on 12th Street.

...Spaghetti wrestling.

...Laura & Emily's "super juice."

...Black Tie Christmas.

...the Team Campus chastity belt.

..." I know why he did it! He did it for the money!"

Ok that's all for now, although there are MANY more. Probably safe to say you can expect at least a few more of these posts... Just feeling a little nostalgic. Can't sleep... Thanks for the memories guys. 

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