Tuesday, September 9, 2008

No TV, no beer makes LaLa ...

"Go crazy?"

(Replace Lala with Homer and) that "Simpsons" spoof of "The Shining" always made me laugh ... but on to the real point. 

There will be plenty of TV (and beer if I so choose) in the coming weeks because it's TV premiere season! Just in time, too, because David and I only have one more episode of "Twin Peaks" before we've finished the show for good. (I know it was canceled a long time ago, but since I just started watching it, I'm feeling the pain all over again.)

And there is plenty to be excited about. 

"Fringe," from J.J. Abrams (producer of "Lost") begins tonight, which David is really excited about. I don't know if I am, but I wasn't excited about "Lost" either then look what happened. 

Wikipedia says: 
The plot deals with a research scientist named Walter Bishop (has been described as "Frankenstein mixed with Albert Einstein"), his son, and a female FBI agent who brings them back together. The show is described as a cross between "The X-Files," "Altered States" and "The Twilight Zone." Like Abrams' previous shows, it will have an overarching mythology.
I could probably be into that. After all, I love shows with "mythology." (Look below and you'll see a pattern.)

After that, I'm not really too excited about any NEW shows, but I couldn't be more pumped about some returning favorites. 

When we last left "Heroes," which returns  on Sept. 22, the Petrelli brothers had saved the world once again, but because of the writer's strike, we didn't get to see much of what became of Sylar and the "villains." That's why Volume 3 is all about "Villains." It's supposed to be bigger, badder and more intense. I can't wait. (Side note: I love Peter Petrelli) 

"Pushing Daisies" is another show that won my heart last year. In fact, I felt so strongly, I wrote a blog about it. So as not to rehash, go ahead and read that one before moving on... How, oh how will Ned and Chuck fall further in love this season if they still can't touch each other (first touch alive, second touch, dead, again, forever)? Stay tuned to find out. "Pushing Daisies" returns on Oct. 1. 

"The Office" returns on Sept. 25, and I haven't even finished season 4 yet! We meant to buy it on DVD but have been a little low on the cash flow. I can't wait to watch Jim and Dwight in real time (at least on a weekly basis). I'm sad that Toby is gone, but I'll move on. I don't know how much longer I can hold out (that's what she said) so I'm glad the season premiere is almost here. (Bears, beets, Battlestar Galactica.)

*SPOILER ALERT (if you haven't seen it)*

JAN IS PREGNANT? What the hell?!? I gotta get in the know on that one.

*OK, continue*

Last year, I was forced into making a decision, and this year's decision is only getting tougher. "The Office" joins "Grey's Anatomy" and "CSI: Crime Scene Investigation" as a member of the "we're on at the exact same time" club.  

Last year, I chose "Grey's Anatomy" over "CSI" with the idea in mind that "Grey's" follows more of a storyline and "CSI" can stand better on its own should I have to watch episodes out of sequence. Well, I was just on the "CSI" Web site and I discovered that I may have made the wrong choice. 



*Ok, I knew the latter bit of information, but WOW. Continue*

"Grey's" was good, but I obviously missed out. "CSI" returns Oct. 9 with what looks to be the most dramatic and intense episode of the show to date. The team is investigating one murder and one murder only, the one that matters, Warrick's. I've followed the show through Nick being buried alive and through Sara being captured by the model maker/serial killer, but they both pulled through. I can't wait to see how they handle this. I need to get caught up quickly! (*Probably the most excited about this season premiere than all the others.)

As for "Grey's," which returns Sept. 25, I just wanna see what (and who) the doctors of Seattle Grace are getting into this season. In my opinion, "Grey's" is the best of the doctor/hospital  shows out there today. (Although I do think "House" is entertaining. Also, I am aware that "ER" set the pace in the beginning, but now it's just getting old. John Stamos? Please.)

That's my fall TV roundup. Stay tuned for reactions after the fact. 


Erin M. Miller said...

May I also recommend Lipstick Jungle. Thanks for the TV update bc this lets me know when series start up again.

Unknown said...

you are very welcome my lady