Thursday, November 13, 2008

Thankful Thursday of my own

I totally stole this blog post idea from Erin Miller because in a time when I've been incredibly cynical I thought it would be fun to find out what I can actually be thankful for. Thanksgiving is coming up you know.

*I'm thankful for a boyfriend who loves me and is crazy about me even though I am the single most disgusting person, scratch that - girl - I know. (Can't forget about Ben can we? Sir Barfs-a-Lot over there. And still, we love the guy;))

*I'm thankful that my dad didn't die all those years ago when he had his heart attack and that he is still down for walking at the mall every Tuesday and Thursday to be with me (and attempt to keep healthy).

*I'm thankful that my mom keeps giving me all these decorations and stuff for holidays, which I could never afford on my own :)

*I'm thankful for friends that don't forget about me even though they live far away, and for the fact that I can meet up with them and feel like we haven't spend a day apart after all this time.

*I'm thankful for my kitty, who absorbs more love than any small animal should without exploding.

I think that pretty much covers it.

1 comment:

Erin M. Miller said...

I am glad my blog inspired you, my lady. I am also very thankful for you and the time we spent on 12th Street and the many years I will have you in my life. <3